Terms and Conditions for Events

Last updated on: January 8, 2025

1. Admission ticket

  • The agreement between the Organization takeoff.physio (read: takeoff.physio by Teunissen and van Dee KIG) and the Visitor is established as soon as the Visitor makes payment for the Event.
  • Payment implies agreement to these Terms and Conditions.
  • When paying, the Visitor gives permission to takeoff.physio to contact them regarding works in Switzerland or related topics, unless the Visitor expressly states otherwise.
  • The Visitor cannot change or terminate a concluded agreement, unless this right results from mandatory provisions.
  • The Visitor must have a valid ID and travel insurance during the Event.
  • The Organization reserves the right to deny access or terminate an agreement on reasonable grounds (such as previous denial of access).
  • A payment gives one person a one-off right to access the Event.

2. Resale and Refund

  • Tickets are not returnable, but may be passed on or sold to other physiotherapists. The Organization should be informed about this.
  • The resale price cannot exceed the original purchase price.
  • The Organization may set additional conditions for reselling, such as a mandatory transfer procedure.
  • In case of violation of these terms, the Organization reserves the right to deny access to the Event.

3. Media and Media Equipment

  • During the Event, photo and video recordings can be made on behalf of or with accreditation from the Organization. The Visitor agrees that these recordings can be distributed or exploited via various media forms.
  • The Visitor is allowed to bring and use photographic equipment intended for consumers, such as:
    • Digital compact cameras with normal and fixed lenses
    • Camera-enabled phones
    • Disposable devices
  • Reproduction or reproduction of the Organization's program booklets, posters, prints or digital communications is prohibited without express written permission.
  • The Organization has the right to carry out inspections to verify compliance with these terms.

4. Force majeure

  • In the event of force majeure, the Organization has the right to cancel the Event in whole or in part or to move it to another date.
  • Force majeure means: all unforeseen circumstances beyond the fault or fault of the Organization, such as fire, government measures, strikes, or bad weather conditions.
  • If the Event is completely canceled before the start due to force majeure, a refund scheme will be applied.

5. Liability

  • For consumers: The Organization is only liable for direct damage and up to the amount paid out by the insurer. The Organization is not liable for indirect damage, such as consequential damage, lost profit or missed savings.
  • Entering the Site and visiting the Event is entirely at your own risk. The Organization is not liable for damage, loss or theft of property.
  • Changes to the program after purchasing the Admission Ticket do not entitle you to cancellation or (partial) refund.